Monday, July 14, 2014

What Does the Hopi Farmers Market and Michael Pollan's Food Rule Have In Common?
by Susan Secakuku

Michael Pollan has written many great food related books, but the one titled, "Food Rules: An Eaters Manual" is indeed an manual, and a quick read. He writes, "most of us have come to rely on experts on one kind or another to tell us how to eat---doctors, diet books, media, government advisories and food pyramids. How odd it is that everybody now has at least a passing acquaintance with words like 'antioxidant, saturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids, gluten, carbohydrates, etc.' when it comes to food. I know you probably agree with me, that this can all be so confusing!

We here on Hopiland, have often heard, that we need to start just eating our own food again. Meaning using ingredients we have grown on our own soil and food made from recipes that that are now labeled as "traditional," but we know are low in fat and salt and most important, that have sustained us for thousands of years.

So although I agree that we should go back to growing and eating our foods too, today we have become so acculturated that our daily lifestyle and diet, highly reflects the average American one, to the point that, I think we do need help in simplifying our American food choices and food knowledge.  So with that, let me introduce you to one of Pollan's 64 Food Rule's:

Food Rule #36: Eat Only Foods That Eventually Rot!!

        "Real food is alive---and therefore should eventually die (or at least go bad). Food processing  
        began as a way to to extend the shelf life of food, often by removing nutrients that will
        eventually make it turn rancid! The more processed a food is, the longer the shelf life, and the
        less nutritious it typically is."

The Hopi Food Co-op is here to celebrate our community farmers/gardeners/orchardists who continue live life by the Hopi value of "itam nav yani"----doing it ourselves. Let's take our own health and wellness back into our hands by growing and eating as much of our own food as possible.  Our co-op encourages those with extra to share their wealth!  And for those who will buy such food anyway, to have them consider getting such items from a local farmer/gardener instead!

So I challenge you to Food Rule #36 - Eat only foods that eventually rot. You can find this in plenty this Sunday, July 20 at this years first Hopi Farmers Market.  To be held at the corner of 264 & 87 in Second Mesa, from 8 am - 12 pm.  Local gardeners will sell or trade their extra vegetables, fruit, eggs, transplants, etc. Also invited are those artistic folks who make beautiful hand-made crafts and our great cooks, both who are invited to sell their wares or food.

This Market is organized by the Hopi Food Co-op, The Natwani Coalition and Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture. For more information contact

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