Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hopi Food Co-op Presents at 2014 Hopi Food & Agricultural Symposium

June 4, 2014
First Mesa Elementary School, Polacca, AZ

Members of the Hopi Food Co-op took time out of their busy lives to share the wonderful things the Hopi Food Co-op is doing at this year’s Hopi Food & Agricultural Symposium organized by the Natwani Coalition.

Dorothy Denet, Lillian Hill, Marissa Nuvayestewa, Mary Duweynie and Susan Secakuku shared the Co-op mission; support local foods, get access to organic products and bulk food purchases, share and learn together about food  knowledge and support one another in the food related changes we are making in our families and homes. The second session was aired lived on KUYI 88.1 Hopi Radio. 

They showed them all the equipment (canners, pressure cookers, pasta rollers, dehydrators, etc.) that the Co-op has accumulated and is available for members to share the use of.

They also donated many canned goods, such as pickled carrots, salsa, green tomatoes, chicken, jalepeno jelly and wild greens such as nanakovsi and mongkuku tea. This was pulled from their pantries or the earth to share and offer for taste testing to the audience (photo).  Dorothy and Mary demonstrated how to roll out fresh pasta, and gave away small portions away to our audience!  They also all contributed about 15 more jars of canned goods, fresh local herbs and dried goods as a gift for the Symposium’s raffle prize.

Since the Co-op has been meeting for over 14 months this session was a great opportunity to reflect on all that has been done. The session was well received and the Hopi Food Co-op expects there will be some new members at the next meeting.