Thursday, February 20, 2014

Welcome to the Hopi Food Co-op

Launched in March 2013 as a grassroots, volunteer effort, we who are involved choose to make healthier changes with our food choices and support one another in this effort.

  • ·      Support continued production of our Hopi food sources (including dry farming, hunting, ranching, orchards, gardens, and Neeveplawu-collecting native, wild greens)
  • ·      Find non-local sources that are fresh, seasonal, organic, and organize bulk purchasing for one another.
  • ·      Share and learn from each other about food knowledge and methods: such as canning, gardening, butchering, and Hopi values associated with food
  • ·      Implement recycling and reusing initiatives that reduce waste within our households.
  • ·      Offer shared responsibility of organizational leadership and management

How Do We Do This?
  • ·      We meet bi-weekly from 6-8 pm and always include a pot-luck meal.
  • ·      Members volunteer to host meetings at their home or other large space. We respectfully request hosts to use real dishes at every meal and we all help clean up as part of meeting.
  • ·      Members volunteer to take turns to facilitate meetings, take notes and host.
  • ·      Members connect via a private Facebook page.  All our meeting notes, links, and messages are shared there. A member volunteers to contact those members who do not Facebook, by phone.
  • ·      Membership is informal. You just have to commit and assist in some way.

Meeting Agenda
- Announce any opportunity to barter, trade or sell any local foods (conduct sales at the end of the meeting)
- Discuss Azure Standard monthly order; organize bulk purchase
-Discuss or organize any learning opportunities; such as gardening workshop, neeveni picking, film screening, etc.
-Share any local meat opportunities; local beef, local sheep for sale, etc.
-Organize group purchase of an animal, schedule butchering party
-Make any other relevant announcements, i.e. conferences, trainings, etc.
-Discuss any issues related to the organization
-Set date for next meeting; select host, notetaker and facilitator